Phrase(s): back-to-back
1. Lit. adjacent and touching backs. • They started the duel by standing back-to-back. • Two people who stand back-to-back can manage to see in all directions. 2. Fig. following immediately. (Actually such things are front to back, with the "end" of one event followed in time by the beginning of another.) • The doctor had appointments set up back-to-back all day long. • I have three lecture courses back-to-back every day of the week.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs
1. With backs close together or touching, as in In the first and second rows of the bus, the seats were back to back, an unusual arrangement. This term Also can be applied to persons who stand facing in opposite directions and with their backs touching. [Mid-1800s] 2. Consecutively, one after another, as in I'm exhausted; I had three meetings back to back. [Mid-1900s]
American Heritage Idioms